Турнирные Билеты
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ESP Dota 2 Cup
SteelSeries Dota 2 League: A
HyperX D2L Season 4
WH Overgaming Challenge 2
Sunday Evening Cup Series
SteelSeries Euro Cup Season 2
SteelSeries Southeast Asia Cup Season 3
DotaTalk SteelSeries Oceania Cup
Dota 2 Champions League
Logitech G - Free2play
Новые вещи
Добавлен набор предметов для
Chaos Knight, так же идет в комплекте с билетом
ESP Dota 2.
Фиксы / изменения
- При попытке купить предмет, который запрещен для определенного героя, появится специальное сообщение.
- Были добавлены строчки для инвентаря, содержащие информацию о KDA/LH/D.
- Строчки для Nexon Dota 2 Client.
Изменения интерфейса
Благодаря новому интерфейсу инвентаря строчки убийств / смертей / помощи / добивания теперь могут быть переведены на другие языки, возможно, это будет использоваться для отражения нестандартной статистики в режимах игры, которые будут созданы самими игроками.
Изменен список выпадающих предметов
+ "Предмет Добавлен"
- "Предмет удален"
Common Items Drop List:
Заголовок спойлера
- ”Armored Exoskeleton Arms” (Weaver)
- ”Armored Exoskeleton Legs” (Weaver)
+ ”Beard of the Woodland Outcast” (Nature’s Prophet)
+ ”Oak of the Woodland Outcast” (Nature’s Prophet)
+ ”Petals of the Woodland Outcast” (Nature’s Prophet)
+ ”Armblade of the Chiseled Guard” (Sven)
+ “Emerald Frenzy Amulet” (Bristleback)
+ “Emerald Frenzy Glove” (Bristleback)
+ “Emerald Frenzy Helmet” (Bristleback)
+ “Stoneshard Belt” (Earthshaker)
+ “Stoneshard Bracers” (Earthshaker)
+ “Stoneshard Crown” (Earthshaker)
+ “Storm-Stealer’s Armor” (Razor)
+ “Storm-Stealer’s Bracers” (Razor)
+ “Storm-Stealer’s Helm” (Razor)
+ ”Tassets of the Chiseled Guard” (Sven)
Uncommon Items Drop List:
Заголовок спойлера
- “Armored Exoskeleton Back” (Weaver)
+ “Pride of the Woodland Outcast” (Nature’s Prophet)
+ “Stature of the Woodland Outcast” (Nature’s Prophet)
+ ”Blade of the Chiseled Guard” (Sven)
+ ”Emerald Frenzy Flail” (Bristleback)
+ ”Pauldron of the Chiseled Guard” (Sven)
+ “Storm-Stealer’s Belt” (Razor)
Rare Items Drop List:
Заголовок спойлера
+ “Pack of the Woodland Outcast” (Nature’s Prophet)
+ ”Core of Stoneshard Majesty” (Earthshaker)
+ “Emerald Frenzy Spikes” (Bristleback)
+ “Greathelm of the Chiseled Guard” (Sven)
+ “Nightwatcher’s Staff” (Skywrath Mage)
+ “Storm-Stealer’s Whip” (Razor)
Mythical Items Drop List:
Заголовок спойлера
- “Announcer: Pyrion Flax”
- ”Armored Exoskeleton Wings” (Weaver)
- ”Mega-Kills: Pyrion Flax”
Остальные изменения
Новые скрипт команды
<code>"script", "Run the text as a script"
"script_add_debug_filter", "Add a filter to the game debug overlay"
"script_add_watch", "Add a watch to the game debug overlay"
"script_add_watch_pattern", "Add a watch to the game debug overlay"
"script_attach_debugger", "Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger"
"script_clear_watches", "Clear all watches from the game debug overlay"
"script_debug", "Toggle the in-game script debug features"
"script_dump_all", "Dump the state of the VM to the console"
"script_execute", "Run a vscript file"
"script_find", "Find a key in the VM "
"script_help", "Output help for script functions, optionally with a search string"
"script_reload_code", "Execute a vscript file, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script"
"script_reload_enity_code", "Execute all of this entity's VScripts, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run scripts"
"script_reload_think", "Execute an activation script, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script"
"script_remove_debug_filter", "Remove a filter from the game debug overlay"
"script_remove_watch", "Remove a watch from the game debug overlay"
"script_remove_watch_pattern", "Remove a watch from the game debug overlay"
"script_resurrect_unreachable", "Use the garbage collector to track down reference cycles"
"script_trace_disable", "Turn off a particular trace output by file or function name"
"script_trace_disable_all", "Turn off all trace output"
"script_trace_disable_key", "Turn off a particular trace output by table/instance"
"script_trace_enable", "Turn on a particular trace output by file or function name"
"script_trace_enable_all", "Turn on all trace output"
"script_trace_enable_key", "Turn on a particular trace output by table/instance"</code>
NPC Test
Добавлена новая функция, с помощью которой можно использовать различных крипов из списка unit.txt
Предсказание героя: