4 guys, 1 girl and a DOTA cup: TobiWanKenobi, Purge, B2RU, Durka, the capitalist
4PL: MF, Norl, Vaana, Marv, Tenacious_D
As France Staff: LuCiqNo, Val, Elha, Syaska, Llyth
EU Managers: breakthedeskplz, DrunKin, Inmate, CaspeRRR, lolka
FnaticRC: Vortex, MMd, StreeT, Kahit, Iyonic, Nachi
Gd Studio: Draskyl, skrff, Weppas, Bruno, 2GD
GosuGamers: Angel, Tjernobyl, Skim, Trisnt, Probutlagz
joinDOTA #1: HolyMaster, HamSandwich, P4iN, Dezix, Epi
joinDOTA #2: hjort, Kibyu, Marre, Hilium
Keita-League: Mikeylicious, Avent, profdrmartin, SowlEye, laowai
Liquipedia: tofucake, blahz0r, shz, tephus, miwi, pholon
readmore: luq, nebu, liebessaft, nico, rmc, mylife
Team Liquid: hotbid, heyoka, kipsate, kupon3ss, theemulator
Twitch: moldy leftovers, Brew Swillis, shiftkeyisbroke, hernandez.d, tcntl
Prodota: Faker, St1gma, Sword_Art, lvlephisto, boo!k
Источники: Gosugamers.net, ProDota
За них болеть буду.