Dota 2 - Visual Patch Notes - February 13th, 2013

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I think I may have developed a workflow that will allow me to get patch videos out on official patch day, I'm afriad it involves staying up for the greater portion of the night. :D

Happy Valentines Day! And if you are not a fan of the holiday, Happy Dota 2 Patch Day! Not nearly as much going on in this patch as there was last week but I can't help but mention the very useful Templar Assassin fix and the speed increases to wave hero abilities. Thanks for watching!

NOTE: I did not include updates based on "UI", "VISUALS", or "BOTS".

Music used by The Flashbulb -
1. sensual data

~Patch Notes~ (in order)

Update Notes - February 13, 2013
- Added Tusk! - 0:12

- Lina: Fixed Dragon Slave hitting units behind you. - 0:22
- Mirana: Fixed some backswing behaviors with her spells - 0:27
- Templar Assassin: Fixed Meld not removing collision. - 0:39
- Troll Warlord: Fixed a case where ranged Troll Warlord can bash when attacking while transforming. - 0:51
- Troll Warlord: Added a "fast" attack animation that will only trigger when his attack speed is above 210 - 1:00
- Fixed Orchid disabling Dagger at the end of its duration even if it was doing no damage. - 1:13
- Fixed a recent bug with Poor Man's Shield that could infrequently cause it to not block hero damage - 1:19
- Fixed some wave speed issues with Crypt Swarm, Dual Breath, Breathe Fire, Dragon Slave, Illuminate, Sonic Wave and

Shockwave. - 1:21
- Enabled Silencer in Tournament lobbies. - 2:34
- Team Matchmaking now uses the Tournament lobby rules.
- Two-player Mid Only games now automatically spawn a courier. - 2:41
- Enabled Medusa in Captain's Mode for Latest Version (will be enabled in Tournament Version the following week). - 2:49
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все круто, котл доволен :)
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20 раз промотал про потму. честно говоря не вижу разницы. бэксвинг такой же, и так же отменяется
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А мне понравилось пол банши:) Мне кажется, что ей даже так больше идет

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