DotA 2 Biggest Pub Mistakes - Random Spew

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Dota 2 видео от DRDhehmad:

Okay, the one warding NS part, I got the warding confused due to being mad. If hes ganking from Radiant, then you need to ward top lane dire if your carry is there IN the lane is what I meant to say. The players, depending on how you react, will know if you warded there and will call for a counter ward. As the level of play goes up, the level of warding will go up. Level of warding in pubs is disgustingly bad. Teach kids how to ward and you will win more, or ward yourself.

Also, one more note on warding after watching this I missed - If you push towers, you should always have vision behind the tower; if its putting a ward on the high cliff behind a tier two tower to in their base at a tier three, there is a huge advantage in seeing what your opponents are up to. Just know that the higher the level of play, the more they expect you to be warding here and will counter before initiating the battle. Warding wins games. Nothing else really does. Have the best player on your team, if you want, and no vision and ganks on them will still lose it.
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