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Dota 2 видео от JimBenDoto:
Reddit thread - http://redd.it/2rmym2
The treant ags rush, farm build. The trick is to get up the ags early, immediatelly use your ult on every creepcamp in the game, and place it on the lanes. That way you can use the ultimate to farm extremely quickly and build whatever you want! It is also great for teamfights and to surprise the enemy team with the amouns of gold you have, not very common on a treant!
Recommended for 4k mmr or less. (i'm 4.5k and it still worked)
Music by Kevin Mcleod.
00:00 -- Betty McFaddin
00:26 -- Brightly Fancy
01:51 -- Scheming Weasel
03:06 -- Movement Proposition
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