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DotA видео от China:
Ever wonder about the story behind ZSMJs rise to fame as the top carry player in the world? Watch this video and find out.
Translator Kurtcos
Timer/Editor CtChocula
First song Goodbye Policeman - 卡洛儿 (from Infernal Affairs OST)
Second song Firefly - The Classic OST
Original Youku video http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjg4NDI3NDky.html
ZSMJ playing Dynasty Warriors http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzIyMzE3MDQ=.html
Jian Xue Feng Hous commentary http://u.youku.com/user_show/id_UMzA1OTQ5NjY0.html
FTD vs. Kingsurf - http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/replays/26320
LGD vs. EHOME - http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/replays/32945
LGD vs. Nirvana.cn - http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/replays/34255
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