How to Jungle Luna at Level 1 on Dire

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Dota 2 видео от locKifiedDotA:

Jungle Luna can get to Level 6 by 6 minutes which is almost as good as a solo lane. The method is somewhat safe since the solo mid can protect you and enemy heroes will rarely go past the rune camp in the early stages of the game (unless there are roamers). The support can also ward in a way where you can just run if you see them coming.

This strategy may be beneficial for Lunas who want to gank instead of farm (due to the fast levels and relatively risk free farming compared to soloing a lane and getting owned by a QoP, Invoker, TA or Rubick), want to jungle for reasons such as incompatible lanes or just for fun.

Furthermore, you could also try this strategy on heroes such as Morphing and Shadow Fiend. Both meet the criteria required to do this strategy effectively such as good ranged physical DPS and flash farming skills (Waveform and Shadowraze) to destroy the easy camp with ease.
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