How to Solo Roshan with Level 6 Lone Druid

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Dota 2 видео от locKifiedDotA:

I wanted to shift away from the unorthodox jungling strategies for a moment and wanted to show something that I havent really seen in any of my games before.

Im actually quite surprised that this hasnt been done more often in competitive games considering how viable it is. (or maybe I dont watch or play enough competitive games)

The strategy is actually quite simple.
1. Get level 6 ASAP.
2. Farm well enough for a Medallion of Courage. (not a bad item to get on LD considering how he has some mana issues and often depends on the bear for DPS)
3. Go to Roshan Pit and take down that beast.

Doing all of the above steps correctly will net you Level 8 by 6 minutes, an Aegis and gold for yourself and your entire team.

In real games, you can always get boots or other items such as a Smoke of Deceit to make it less obvious first since Roshan only gets stronger every 5 minutes. (Roshan should only been buffed once if you follow this strategy to the teeth)
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