How to farm Radiants Ancient Camp as Offlane Windrunner

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In competitive play, the suicide laner typically gets no experience or gold whatsoever due to Dires ability to creep pull at their safe lane. This means that the suicide laner is usually useless until they can catch up in the mid game where the game transitions into a ganking/farming phase.

This strategy allows an Offlane Windrunner still manage to get decent levels and farm and being close enough to the Radiants Top Tower to defend (if possible) or to get any farm that might not had been denied. Albeit slow compared to actual laning or jungling with appropriate heroes, the suicide laner will benefit highly from engaging in such a strategy.

This strategy is also possible with most ranged heroes as long as they buy a quelling blade and cut the tree formation before the game starts. The advantage of Windrunner is that she can easily Powershot the necessary trees down without having to inefficiently cut down trees using the Quelling Blade.
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