DotA 2 Tutorial - How to Spell Animation Cancel

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Dota 2 видео от locKifiedDotA:

Another tutorial video where we will discuss all about spell animation cancel.

Spell animation cancelling is when you cast a spell, there is a beginning animation when you use the spell. During this time, you can actually stop the spell coming out by pressing Stop during this animation. This will save the cool down of that spell AND the mana usage.

The tutorial presents what is a spell animation cancel, how can you spell animation cancel, why should you spell animation cancel and how you can apply it to your own game.

Spell animation cancelling is a simple concept to grasp but a difficult technique to master for practical purposes. It requires you to be creative and come up ideas in each individual game.

Spell animation cancelling is highly used in competitive play but can significantly improve any sort of game play including casual.

Otherwise, enjoy the tutorial and PLEASE like and favorite the video and subscribe to the channel if the video has helped you out. There will be more coming. )

Music The Sweetest Sin by Loveshadow.
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