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Dota 2 видео от Dota D.Bowie:
Walrus Punch can break channelings even if the target is magic imune.
Snowbal is an amazing spell. It can stun enemies and save allies in AOE.
And you can cast spells while charging it
Sigil is another amazing spell. It gives flying vision and it slows
AS and MS. It works on roshan! (You can add it in the snowbal)
You can save people from almost every spell in the game with
snowball with the exception of flamming lasso.
Ice shards as of 6.82 is a skill shot. you have to guess where
people are going and throw it. It will go through trees
You can save allies by targeting the snowball in a creep , this way
you won't be forced to rush against the enemy team after saving them.
Be aware that shards do not give vision after the formation only
when traveling
8. When playing carry tusk consider items like desolator, crit, mordigian.
Support Tusk is built around counter initiation, blink and force are key!
9. You can doublestack several camps with ice shards
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